Sunday, July 13, 2008

Dining Out With Matthew!

Matthew has been VERY good about going to restaurants again. He will sit in a booster seat be nice and quiet and eat just like a good little boy. Last weekend we took Matthew to 'Sweet Tomatoes' and he loved it! He has been there before, but this is the first time he sat in a big boy booster seat and ate with utensils too! He had pizza, muffins, crackers, bread, noodles, chicken, and ice cream in a little cone and sprinkles too! ;)

We also took Matthew to Chuck E. Cheese's this past Friday. Here's what we learned: they have terrible food but it is a GREAT place to take your kids! Matthew had an absolute blast there! He went down this slide they have there about 30 times! He also had a good time trying to make friends with the other toddlers that were there. Here are some pictures and video of the night:

Sorry this video is SO SHORT, my camera was dying. Thanks for looking!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Going out to eat is fun! We take Danielle to Peter Piper Pizza and play games too. Then we win a bunch of tickets to buy a 50 cent prize! LOL!

Love, Stephanie